FAQsFrequently Asked Questions about Simply Wonderful Catering and our products and services.

Remember that, “Preparedness and provision constitute the jumping-off point for creativity and flair.”

Does Simply Wonderful offer cooking classes?

We offered them in the past in our kitchen when our calendar was less filled. Currently the kitchen is often occupied with food preparation for events. We can, however, provide an in-home cooking class as a creative dinner party. Call us to discuss the possibilities.

For weddings, do you charge a fee to cut the cake?

No, we will gladly serve your wedding cake for free.

When I make an order, do you need a deposit?

Yes, we require a 50% deposit to book events.

How much time in advance should I book an event?

The earlier the better. We always do our best to accommodate our clients’ requests, but it is best to reserve your date as early as possible. This is especially true for the holiday season.

When I have servers at an event, do I pay them directly?

No, Simply Wonderful will include the service charge in your final invoice. A gratuity may be offered to the staff directly or added to your payment of the final invoice.

When does Simply Wonderful need a final headcount for an event?

Normally we require the final guest count at least one week in advance.

How can I get a quote for an event I am planning?

Please call or e-mail us and we will get you a quote right away, normally the same day.

How much alcohol should I buy?

We generally recommend you plan a half-bottle of wine per person for a 5 á 7, and a full bottle for a dinner or cocktail dinatoire. You may have extra wine at the end of the evening, but you certainly won't run out. We also find that a 60/40 split on wine (red/white) is a good ratio.

Do you charge a corkage fee if we bring our alcohol?

You bring the alcohol and we serve it free of charge.

What can I expect servers to do at an event, and how long are they paid?

Servers come to our kitchen to collect your food and rentals. They normally arrive at your event one hour before guests are expected to do the necessary set-up and final food preparation. During service, they will keep food and beverages flowing and at the end of the event, they clean everything up and return all equipment to Simply Wonderful. Extra food will be left for you (unless it has been at room temperature for too long and is no longer safe to eat). Servers are billed from the time they arrive at our kitchen until they sign out from our kitchen at the end of the evening.

What types of payment does Simply Wonderful accept?

Cash, debit, Interac e-transfer or cheque made payable to Simply Wonderful.

How many hors d’oeuvres do I order for a cocktail, and how much wine?

For a 5 á 7, we normally recommend 5-8 “bites” per person, depending upon the age group and time that guests are expected to stay. Guests will normally drink one or two glasses of wine per hour. (We normally pour 6 glasses of wine from a bottle.) If you want the cocktail to become dinner (a cocktail-dinatoire) , we suggest 12-15 "bites", with a selection of 6 savouries and 1 or 2 sweets.

Does Simply Wonderful deliver frozen food?

Yes, we do. The delivery fee depends upon which area you live in.



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Did you know

We serve our own custom coffee blends

Our regular and decaf coffees are custom blends of organic, fair-trade beans from Guatemala. We think you will taste the difference.